Why Dehydration Is Dangerous


The human body is actually close to 60% water .Water is required for proper healthy function of every cell in the human body. Not taking enough water means possible poor functioning of the body. It is also same as lacking enough gas and oil in your car, which will eventually wear down and then shut down entirely.

How dehydration drains your energy and how you can tell that you are dehydrated

Since water is the basic solvent for the chemistry of our human life functions , dehydration affects essentially all of them negatively .Among the most salient of all of them would be the exchange of ions in brain synapses ,and in the neuromuscular junctions ,both of which will operate more sluggishly .

By the time you ‘feel thirsty’ you may already be in the early stages of dehydration. This is also possible when it is not hot, since we lose more water through breathing.

The best way to cure dehydration;

You should actually visit a doctor –specifically a headache specialist. You might be suffering from migraines or other kind’s headaches.An accurate diagnosis is very important to get rid of any serious illness.

The common symptom of dehydration includes;

·         Dry mouth

·         Thirst

·         Dark color urine

·         Low blood pressure

·         Increased pulse

·         Fever

·         Unconsciousness

It can be cured by increasing fluid intake .Only in severe cases might one need medical attention and require intravenous fluids to rehydrate.

Why dehydration fatal;

Ø  Water is the first essential component of living organisms, so dehydration can be lethal .In fact a human being can live for 11 to 14 days without food, but rarely can they live more than 3 days without water. Meaning dehydration can cause death.

Ø  The first thing it does is damage your kidneys and if this progresses far enough , you can wind up kidney failure ,which can mean that even if you begin to get hydrated again ,your kidneys may have failed and you can still die.

Ø  If you ever get to severe dehydration, even if you then begin to hydrate, you may still need to be hospitalized if you are to survive.

Ø  The amount of fluid a person needs a day varies depending on several factors, including their age and weight. A simple guideline for radiation therapy patients is that an adult under the age of 65 needs 30 ml of fluid per pound of weight.

Ø  Water is the best fluid to drink .Decaffeinated tea, juice, milk and oral supplements will help you to stay hydrated. Soups, Jell-O and ice cream also count because they become liquid after you eat them.

Ø  If you are not able to consume enough fluids, contact your care center immediately to prevent serious complications.

Ø  Dehydration can also lead to depression;

Ø  Depression-as if symptoms can be observed which include; irritable, headaches, tiredness, mood swings and many others.

Ø  In addition, it is quite possible to be suffering from depression and then neglect to eat or drink which would cause dehydration and exacerbate the problem.

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