Top Five Industrial Manufacturing Trends


Things are changing rapidly in the world of industrial manufacturing, and finding ways to stay on top of it all can be difficult. Luckily, our sourcing company has created a list of the top five industrial manufacturing trends that will help you plan your new projects and stay on track for success. Here’s what you need to know about this year’s top five trends in industrial manufacturing!

Wearable Technology

This trend is actually a collection of innovations: GPS, biometrics and RFID sensors as well as motion, heat and heart rate monitors can be integrated into wearables like shoes, shirts and bracelets. These smart clothes may eventually even be able to analyze sweat to evaluate athletes’ performance or tell you how hard it would be to climb Mt. Everest if you were wearing them. Oh, and let’s not forget video games that can actually feel—with interactive pressure points that stimulate parts of your body in tune with on-screen action (like stomping on an opponent’s head). If you’re looking for a china sourcing agent or China sourcing company , keep an eye out for technologies like these.

Internet of Things

It’s no secret that in recent years, China has been making waves in manufacturing. From knock-off electronics to DIY drones and 3D printers, there are few products made these days that don’t have some tie to China. But what is less known is that China is also taking an early lead in Internet of Things (IoT) technology. In fact, according to IDC , China accounted for more than a third of all IoT spending around the world last year, which represents more than $5 billion.

Artificial Intelligence

China manufacturing is moving toward more automation, and that’s a trend we’re likely to see continue over time. Between rising wages and cost of living in China, many manufacturers are turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to help them cut costs. As automation becomes more pervasive across all industries, jobs for non-college educated workers—the workers who made up most of China’s workforce—will become increasingly difficult to obtain. This has been an ongoing problem in America as well; even without AI taking on jobs, it will be hard for unskilled labor to find work.

Robotics & Drones

When we think of robotics and drones, there’s a good chance our minds go to self-driving cars, drones delivering packages and autonomous manufacturing. Today, industrial robots are prevalent in China and have been for years. According to China Sourcing Agent, China makes 65% of all robots in use around the world; As of last year, Chinese research in robotics increased by almost half of a percent between last year. Additionally, 85% of robot sales in China were targeted at small and medium sized companies; these figures bode well for future growth as more customers start to adopt robotics into their manufacturing practices. With such big investments being made by both consumers and manufactures alike, it’s no wonder that robotics technology is advancing quickly.

Emerging Markets

If you are doing business in China, Southeast Asia, or anywhere outside of North America and Western Europe, then you need to stay abreast of market and sourcing trends in these regions. After all, these emerging markets will only get bigger with time. Which is why it would be smart to start using it now. For example, China is becoming an increasingly popular manufacturing center for companies because wages there have not skyrocketed as they have in other Asian countries like Thailand or Vietnam.

 In fact, China continues to have some of its lowest labor costs on Earth. Therefore, if you're looking for China sourcing agents we can help! Our China sourcing company can help your small-medium sized business take advantage of manufacturing opportunities by providing a network between American businesses and their Chinese manufacturers .

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