Here’s Why Gym Organisations Are Reporting Dramatically Different Results Than Previous Years.

Gyms of all sizes worldwide took a huge hit as a result of Covid-19.

From the basic facts, they were forced to close, restructure their future plans and goals, flip classes to online sessions retraining staff in online PTing, paused memberships, canceled memberships, overheads still having to be paid all while income being at an all-time low.

We all thought post-Covid-19 gyms would bounce back quickly when the harsh reality that they are not is hitting us hard.

People have become accustomed to home workouts, outside exercising and lots have now paused memberships, bought equipment for home use and some have completely favored saving on membership fees and canceled completely.

Where does this leave gym organizations?

A report carried out by Resamania showed 51% of people now believe health and fitness to be of more importance post-covid-19, This leaves a great gap in the industry of people actively looking and wanting to join a gym.

By focusing on this and becoming even more attractive for potential new members as well as keeping hold of existing members will help put organizations back on track for a thriving end of 2021.

Here are some simple ways to help;

     Discounts on memberships

     Flexible pay-as-you-go options

     New innovative equipment

     New up to date classes

     Reward systems for previous members

     Personal nutrition & wellness advice

     Continued online classes

All of the above can take costly staffing time, For some organizations who are still using frankenstack systems to manage day-to-day tasks it will be a struggle with maintaining a high standard.

These frankenstack systems which require multiple-use systems cobbled together can be easily replaced by switching to using a new end-to-end gym management software.

 This will help you save time and staffing resources, taking away time-consuming old methods of chasing payments and failed transactions, manually setting up members’ custom accounts, and trying to guess information about members, are just a few.

This will be easily managed for you and information provided and accessible in real-time use via one single platform.

Helping build lasting relationships and providing the best practice for every member new or old.

If that’s not enough the software also allows any member to be able to manage their own account this includes setting a chosen date of payments, booking onto desired classes, online PT sessions, putting in goals and sharing them with gym workers who can also see the same information for each member.

It can even opens doors for members and store their personal preferences of times they enter and prefer to work out!

This all helps build a better customer database and helps us to meet each individual’s needs at a higher level.

While all of this is happening you can use saved time and resources to offer discounts and membership promotions as well as claw back any lost revenue from previous miss manually calculated transactions.

Thinking about the long-term future of gyms should be done in the present more so than ever at this tough time.

 Building a future of new era gyms starts with the technology and equipment behind it - after all, you already have the passion for fitness and health it also requires or you wouldn’t be a gym owner!

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