A Guide to Crafting Unique Brand Identity


In a world of variety, if you are building a brand, then there is a high probability that you might get lost in the process, and your brand message can sound vague and unauthentic. There is a proper roadmap that can ensure the brand's success and that will create a difference once it is set apart from the crowd.

Here, we will learn about the details of brand building and how it can ensure that it has an identity with which the customers can resonate.

1.      Defining Your Brand’s Core Value

It is important for every brand, and setting the core value will allow you to finally set the company's DNA to which all the members and employees can adhere. It must have a conclusive mission statement defining the brand's purpose.

For example, you can create a core value statement, and in a brand activation programme, you mandate your staff to get a temporary tattoo on the brand's core values. You can get artists who can do custom temporary tattoos in Chicago or at your location. Based on that, you can establish the core of the company.

Once the employees witness the company following the brand's core values, they will start believing the same idea, fostering a cultural identity. Brands don’t get built in a month or a year; it needs care and time, and through that process, they can finally be nurtured, and one can reap the benefits of a unique brand.

2.      Weave Narratives into a Brand Identity

Once you have set the proper mission statement, you must attach a story that will sound real and help your customers connect emotionally with what the brand is trying to achieve.

It can be a narrative stating the reason behind your brand’s existence. It is the idea that can reflect on the incidents of history or create an aspirational value that synchronizes with the customers and makes them loyal to the brand.

3.      Develop a Consistent Brand Tone and Voice

Developing brand tones and voice can be a difficult task. Once set, staying consistent with the messaging and following the proper brand voice to increase customer familiarity is better. Developing a consistent brand voice and tone is done through the marketing materials you keep in the public forum, and the language and communication determine the brand's tonality.

Once it becomes familiar, customers get accustomed to the marketing material your brand publishes, which starts to resonate with the brand.

4.      Create an Experience Which Will Resonate with the Customer

It is the way of an act which you need to do to find how your customers are engaging with the brand. The “give away” gathering or curating customized offers entice customers to buy from your brand.

You can also attempt to hire a temporary tattoo artistfor parties and create a gathering where customers will get a voucher once they participate in a game and get their tattoos done.

These are the means which can assure that your brand will grow at a significant pace, and within a matter of years, it will have its loyal set of customers who can propagate the brand’s message and provide you with revenue.

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