What is BPSC Syllabus? How to Complete it in 2 months?

BPSC stands for Bihar Public Service Commission. The commission was established to assist the state government of Bihar with the examinations to recruit and transfer matters. The BPSC exam is divided into three stages: 

  1. Prelims 
  2.  Mains 
  3. Interview 

BPSC will be conducting the 67th BPSC Prelims exam on 23 January 2022. Prelim is an objective type of question paper consisting of 150 marks. Students are required to qualify for the Prelims exam to appear for the Mains exam. The Mains exam includes four descriptive papers, one for qualifying and three merit-ranking papers for the students. Once students complete the main exam, they will be contacted for an interview. The interview is the last stage of the BPSC exam and consists of 120 marks. In this article, we have provided you with the latest BPSC Syllabus in detail. 

BPSC Syllabus: 

The syllabus for both Prelims and Mains are as follows: 

  1. BPSC Prelims Syllabus: 

The Prelims exam is a screening stage for the next level, Mains. The Prelims marks will not be considered for the selection process at the final merit list. The exam consists of 150 marks and includes General Studies. The duration of the exam will be 2 hours. The syllabus is as follows: 

        History of India and Bihar (Economic, Social and Political aspects)

        General Science 

        National and International events and news 

        Geography of India and Bihar (Indian agriculture, natural resources, and social/economic geography)

        Indian Economy and Polity (Panchayati Raj, Planning in Bihar and India, Community Development, and Indian Political System) 

        Changes in Bihar’s economy after independence 

        General Mental Ability Questions 

        Indian National Movement and the role of Bihar in the movement (resurgence in the 19th century, nationalism in India, India’s independence, Role of Bihar, etc.) 

1.      BPSC Mains Syllabus: 

Once candidates clear the Prelims exam, they will appear in the Mains exam. The Mains exam consists of four papers, General Hindi, General Studies 1, General Studies 2, and optional Subject. The General Hindi is a qualifying paper. The remaining three papers consist of 300 marks each. The duration of the Mains exam is 3 hours each. The syllabus for the papers is as follows:

A.     General Hindi:

        Essay (30 marks)

        Grammar (30 marks)

        Syntax (25 marks)

        Precis/Summary (15 marks) 

B.      General Studies 1: 

        Indian Culture 

        Modern History of India (mid-19th century)

        Important Personalities, such as Rabindranath Tagore, Jawaharlal Nehru, and Mahatma Gandhi

        Role of Bihar in the Indian National Movement (1857 War of Independence, Quit India Movement 1942, Santhal uprising and Champaran Satyagraha) 

        National and International contemporary events 

        Pal and Mauryan Art 

        Patna Kalam Paintings 

        Statistical analysis, graphs, and diagrams

C.      General Studies 2: 

        Indian and Bihar Polity 

        Indian and Bihar Economy 

        Indian and Bihar Geography 

        Role of Science and Technology in Bihar’s development and its impact on India

D.     Optional Subjects:

        Language and Literature (English, Urdu, Hindi, Persian, Arabic, Pali, Maithili, Bengali, Sanskrit) 






        Public Administration 










        Civil Engineering 

        Commerce and Accounting 

        Electrical Engineering 


        Mechanical Engineering 

        Labor and Social Welfare 

        Anthropology, etc. 

Strategy/Tips to prepare for BPSC within two months: 

There is no concrete strategy for preparing for the BPSC exam. It all depends on hard work and consistency. All the candidates have different strengths, weaknesses, mindsets, knowledge, etc., and thus, every candidate follows a different strategy. Although, we have jotted down some fantastic tips that can help you strategize the exam in the right way. Later, you can alter it as per your requirements. The following tips will help you prepare for the exam within two months: 

Cover the basics 

One of the best strategies is to cover all the basics of the examination. It helps you set up a solid foundation for the exam. You can read the NCERT books or Byju’s Exam Prep notes for each subject to help you cover the basics in detail. 

Study the newspapers: 

Current affairs make up a large chunk of examinations, be it BPSC or other civil services exams. Creating a daily reading habit of newspapers helps you know the news in detail. 

Previous Year Questions

Analyzing the previous year’s question papers help you understand the pattern and question style. Before appearing for BPSC, go through the previous year’s questions papers. 

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